
General (41)
       Legislation & Policy (23)
             ILO conventions (2)
             Global strategy (9)
       Core Disciplines
             Epidemiology & statistics (3)
             Toxicology (4)
             Industrial hygiene (11)
             Occupational safety (71)
       Occupational Medicine (17)
       Taking an Occupational History (4)
       Health Protection & Promotion (80)
       Risk Assessment (60)
       Work Organization (2)
             Shift work (3)
             Contingent workers (1)
       Roles of Government (1)
       Roles of Labor Unions (1)
       Roles of Corporations (4)
       Legal Issues (4)
       Ethical Issues (4)
       Child Labor (33)
             Resources for Businesses and Employers
             Resources for Educators and Teachers
             Resources for Young People who Work
             Resources for Parents
             Resources for School Systems
             Resources for Policy Makers (MOH and MOL)
             Resources for Social Clubs
             Resources for Unions and NGOs
Adverse Health Effects (108)
       Injuries (90)
             Neck (6)
             Shoulder (6)
             Elbow/wrist/hand (20)
             Back (11)
             Hip (1)
             Knee/ankle/foot (2)
             Peripheral nerve injuries (4)
             Eye injuries (4)
                   Chemical burns (1)
                   Thermal burns (1)
                   Mechanical injury (1)
             Facial injuries (1)
             Hearing loss (14)
             Injuries caused by physical hazards (routed to hazards) (9)
             Force, posture & repetition (22)
       Musculoskeletal (94)
             Neck (9)
             Shoulder (10)
             Elbow/wrist/hand (16)
             Back (29)
             Hip (1)
             Knee/ankle/foot (2)
       Cancer (34)
             Occupational exposures/general (6)
             Industrial processes
             Lung cancer (14)
             Mesothelioma (20)
             Nasal cavity/sinuses (1)
             Larynx cancer (1)
             Bladder cancer (2)
             Liver cancer (1)
             Skin cancer (3)
             Hematologic cancer
       Respiratory (101)
             Asthma (26)
             Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (4)
             Inhalation fevers
             Pneumoconioses (26)
                   Silicosis (17)
                   Asbestosis (37)
                   Coal workers’ lung (1)
             COPD (5)
             Pleural disorders
             Lung cancer (routed) (2)
       Neurological (11)
             Neurotoxic agents (3)
       Sensory Systems (5)
             Hearing (routed) (24)
             Vision (4)
       Dermatological (25)
             Contact dermatitis (9)
             Occupational acne (1)
             Physical hazards
             Skin cancer (routed)
       Cardiovascular (7)
       Hematological (3)
             Anemias (2)
             Hematologic cancers (routed)
       Hepatic (6)
             Chemical agents
             Acute liver injury
             Chronic liver injury
       Renal (10)
             Acute renal injury
             Chronic renal injury (2)
       Reproductive (12)
             Female & male (2)
             Endocrine disruptors (2)
       Psychiatric/Behavioral (14)
             Occupational stress (33)
             Other (4)
       Occupational Infections (9)
Hazardous Exposures (148)
       Chemical (140)
             Metals (14)
                   Aluminum (1)
                   Arsenic (2)
                   Cadmium (38)
                   Chromium (40)
                   Lead (33)
                   Manganese (20)
                   Mercury (86)
             Chemicals (42)
             Solvents (14)
             Gases/inhalants (48)
             Dust (53)
             Pesticides (12)
             Asbestos (125)
       Biologic (30)
             Occupational infections (25)
             Influenze A (H1N1) (147)
                   General Information (35)
                   Resources for Business and Employers (29)
                   Resources for Agricultural Workers (2)
                   Resources for Educational Facilities (11)
                   Resources for Health Care Facilities (42)
                         Resources for Home Care Workers (6)
                   Resources for Laboratory Workers (5)
                   Resources for Travel Industry (6)
       Physical (39)
             Cold (hypothermia) (9)
             Heat (37)
             Burns (18)
             Electrical injuries (30)
             Radiation (9)
             Pressure (dysbarisms)
             Vibration (43)
             Noise (routed) (52)
             Force, posture & repetition (86)
       Traumatic (75)
             Lifting (18)
             Motor vehicles (25)
             Machinery (63)
             Slips, trips & falls (63)
             Explosions (27)
       Psychosocial (22)
             Stress (25)
             Violence (3)
             Drugs & alcohol (2)
             Tobacco (1)
       Indoor Air Pollution (33)
             Tobacco smoke (1)
             Sick building syndrome (5)
       Outdoor Air Pollution (4)
       Water Pollution (6)
       Hazardous Waste (5)
Economic Sectors (165)
       Agriculture & Forestry (89)
             Farming (64)
             Livestock rearing (16)
             Grain handling (14)
             Migrant labor (2)
             Youth & agriculture (22)
             Logging & lumber (32)
             Pesticides (13)
       Arts & Recreation (3)
             Ceramics (6)
             Jewelry (1)
             Performing arts
             Shooting ranges
       Beverage Industry (4)
             Soft drinks (1)
       Construction (124)
             Construction (42)
             Carpentry (8)
             Carpet laying (1)
             Concrete (5)
             Drywall (2)
             Electrical (5)
             Heating/ventilation/air conditioning
             Masonry/bricklaying (8)
             Plumbing/pipefitting (2)
             Road construction (15)
             Roofing (8)
             Sealant/waterproofing/restoration (8)
             Sheet metal working (2)
             Welding (routed) (13)
       Food Industry (20)
             Meatpacking (5)
             Poultry processing (11)
             Dairy products
             Cocoa & chocolate
             Bakeries (5)
             Oil & fat
       Health Care (86)
             Dentistry (11)
             Hospitals & health care workers (115)
             Home care (14)
       Manufacturing (49)
             Aerospace manufacturing (4)
             Apparel & footwear (routed) (6)
             Battery manufacturing (4)
             Chemical manufacturing (4)
             Glass and pottery (6)
             Iron & steel (1)
             Lead smelting (5)
             Leather products (1)
             Lubricant manufacturing
             Meatpacking (routed) (1)
             Metal working (13)
                   Melting & refining (2)
                   Metal processing (3)
                   Welding (7)
             Microelectronics & semiconductors (1)
             Paper & pulp industries (8)
             Petroleum manufacturing (1)
             Pharmaceuticals (3)
             Plastics (3)
             Poultry processing
             Printing (2)
             Rubber industry (1)
             Textiles (14)
             Wood products (8)
       Maritime (48)
             Fishing (26)
             Ship building & repair (12)
       Mining (99)
             Explosions (15)
             Dust (9)
       Oil Industry (20)
             Exploration & drilling (11)
             Petroleum manufacturing (13)
       Power Generation & Distribution (10)
             Hydroelectric power generation
             Fossil fuel power generation
             Nuclear power generation
             Electric power transmission & distribution (8)
             Wind power generation
       Public & Government Services (22)
             Postal services (1)
             Schools (18)
             Hazardous waste (8)
             Sewage & treatment plants (10)
             Waste collection & disposal (34)
             Municipal recycling (27)
       Retail (31)
             Restaurants (26)
             Retail & offices (7)
             Hotels (21)
       Services (32)
             Automotive (24)
             Barbering & cosmetology (1)
             Diving (1)
             Domestic workers (6)
             Dry cleaning (9)
             Education (8)
             Fire-fighting (47)
             Funeral services (3)
             Landscaping (13)
       Textiles (13)
             Footwear (3)
             Cotton (6)
             Wool (3)
             Silk (3)
       Transportation (25)
             Airlines (6)
             Rail workers (6)
             Taxi drivers (6)
             Trucking/bus drivers (11)
             Warehousing/storage (8)
Control Strategies (110)
       Risk Management Toolbox (control banding) (17)
             Ergonomics (52)
             Chemical (13)
             Psychosocial (2)
             Noise (4)
       Simple Solutions (243)
       Risk Assessment (199)
       Medical Surveillance (57)
       Substitution (40)
             Material substitution (29)
             Process change (19)
       Engineering Controls (46)
             Isolation (9)
                   Enclosure (4)
                   Shielding (1)
             Ventilation (38)
                   Local exhaust ventilation (6)
             Material handling (3)
       Administrative Controls (127)
             Work periods (16)
             Personal hygiene (19)
             Housekeeping (23)
             Maintenance (22)
             Best work practices (169)
             Worker training (158)
       Personal Protective Equipment (96)
             Respiratory protection (41)
             Hearing protection (14)
             Eye & face protection (17)
             Protective clothing (40)
Infectious Diseases - H1N1 (1)
Youth and Hazardous Work (2)
       General (13)
       Resources for Businesses and Employers (2)
       Resources for Educators and Teachers (4)
       Resources for Young People who Work (8)
       Resources for Parents
       Resources for School Systems (5)
       Resources for Policy Makers (MOH and MOL) (1)
       Resources for Social Clubs
       Resources for Unions and NGOs (1)
WHO Collaborating Centres in Occupational Health (123)
       Policy Documents (30)
             National Action Plans (4)
             Preventing Respiratory Diseases (11)
             Preventing Asbestos-Related Diseases (5)
             Protecting Health Care Workers (8)
       Protecting and Promoting Health at the Workplace (26)
             Tools for Managing Work Related Health and Safety Risks (21)
             Healthy Workplace Programs (1)
             Tools for Addressing Global Health Threats (1)
       Improving Access to Occupational Services (13)
             Providing Worker Health Services in Primary Health Care (1)
             Curricula for Capacity Building in OH (11)
       Providing Evidence for Action and Practice (41)
             Research on Emerging Health and Safety Issues (8)
             Other Practical Research and Reports to Drive Action (34)
             Inclusion of Occupational Causes in ICD 10 (1)
       Incorporating Worker Health into Non-Health Policies (13)
             Cost-Benefit Studies
             Guidance for Non-Health Sector Entities (1)
             Tools for High Risk Industry Sectors and Vulnerable Workers (12)
Precarious Employment
Climate Change - Climate Disruption